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Обсуждаем вкусоароматику => Plasencia => Тема начата: Sergio от 05 Май 2021, 09:24:31

Название: Сигарные линейки
Отправлено: Sergio от 05 Май 2021, 09:24:31


Regular Production

Alma Fuerte
W:Nicaragua B:Nicaragua F:Nicaragua

  • Generation V (7x58) (
  • Nestor IV (6¼x54) (
  • Robustus I (5¼x52) (
  • Robustus II - Colorado Claro (5⅛x55)
  • Sixto I - Colorado Claro (6x60) (
  • Eduardo I - Colorado Claro (6¼x54) (
  • Sixto II (6x60) (

Alma del Campo
W:Nicaragua B:Nicaragua F:Nicaragua

  • Guajiro (5½x54) (
  • Madrono (6½x58) (
  • Sendero (6x56) (
  • Travesia (6½x54) (
  • Tribu (5x52)

Reserva Original
W:Nicaragua B:Nicaragua F:Nicaragua

  • Churchill (7x48)
  • Corona (6¼x44)
  • Cortez (5¾x56)
  • Nestico (4½x36) (
  • Robusto (4¾x52) (
  • Toro (6x50) (

Reserva 1898
W:Nicaragua B:Honduras F:Nicaragua

  • Churchill (7x50) (
  • Corona (5¾x44)
  • Salomon (6x54)
  • Robusto (4¾x52) (
  • Toro (6½x50) (

Cosecha 146
W:Honduras B:Nicaragua F:Honduras, Nicaragua

  • La Musica (5x50) (
  • La Vega (5¼x52) (
  • Monte Carlo (6x58) (
  • San Agustin (6¼x52)
  • San Luis (5¾x54) (

Cosecha 149
W:Honduras B:Honduras F:Honduras

  • Santa Fe (4⅞x60) (
  • Azacualpa (6x52) (
  • La Vega (5x52) (
  • Cortez (5¾x56)

Cosecha 151
W:Honduras B:Honduras F:Honduras

  • La Musica (5x50) (
  • La Tradicion (5⅞x54) (
  • San Diego (5¾x46)

Alma del Fuego
W:Nicaragua B:Nicaragua F:Nicaragua

  • Candente (5x50) (
  • Concepcion (6x54) (
  • Flama (6½x38) (
  • Cortez (5¾x56)

Special Edition

W:Nicaragua B:Nicaragua F:Nicaragua, Honduras

  • Toro (6x52) (

Year of the Dragon - 2024
W:Nicaragua B:Nicaragua F:Nicaragua

  • Torpedo (6¼x54)

Year of the Rabbit - 2023
W:Nicaragua B:Nicaragua F:Nicaragua

  • Toro (6½x54)

Year of the Tiger - 2022
W:Nicaragua B:Nicaragua F:Nicaragua

  • Toro (6¼x54) (

Year of the Ox - 2021
W:Nicaragua B:Nicaragua F:Nicaragua

  • Salomon (7x58) (